So there was no Jazzercise today and I decided to take advantage of the Free Trial class at CrossFit. I've always been intrigued, but have had many people tell me it's nuts, it's not for me, etc. Then last week a friend started doing it and is liking it so far. I have a ton of coworkers who are doing it and love it and have seen great successes. I figured why not.
I begged Matt to take the kids for haircuts and I went. I was so nervous going there. It reminded me of my first Jazzercise class. I went in signed my life away via a fun waiver and waited for it to start. Being that I'm perpetually early, I got to wait a little while and my nerves kept going.
I saw another Mom walk in (with her 3 kids, since kids are acceptable there), Sue I think was her name and we started chatting and I started feeling better. 9am rolled around and it was time for our warm up and my first WOD (Workout of the Day).
The warmup was good. Basically running, shuffling, etc. back and forth over the 40 meter route. Then some stretching and such. After that we all paired up for the WOD. I was paired with Cindy the owner, which was a blessing and a curse.
WOD - July 21st, 2012
Run 40meters
12 Kettleball Swings
Run 40meters
6 Burpees
Alternate with Partner for 20 minutes
I remember being 4 minutes into this and thinking "really we're only 4 minutes" in. To say this was a really long 20 minutes is an understatement, but while tired it felt great. In the end we each ended up doing 6 sets. Going in there Saturday morning my two biggest fears for workouts were Burpees and Pullups. I'm still not sure pullups are in my future and I know my form on Burpees needs a ton of work but I did them...36 to be exact.
That afternoon I was already a little sore and I knew Sunday would be lovely (and it was), but I LOVED it. The CFPG group seemed like a family. They all encourage each other to finish and don't judge. I also loved going in and conquering something I thought I couldn't do.
CrossFit is definitely more challenging than Jazzercise and a complete and different kind of exercise, but it was a great change. I also know that had I not done what I did in Jazzercise last year I probably would have turned around and walked out that door the second they started running across the parking lot.
In the end I think I've found something I like.
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