Friday, August 10, 2012

Back at it

My alarm still revolted again this morning... might be time to invest in a new one... but luckily my internal clock was spot on.  My neck was feeling a ton better so that was good, still a little stiff but on the up swing. And it felt great to be back.

Today's WOD

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-1-2
50 push-ups for time.

For the Front Squat I did 35 / 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 75

For the pushups I started with mats under but ended up on the bar.  I really need to work on these. 

I cannot wait till the day I can do pushups and pull ups!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rest Day

My alarm revolted against me this morning and I woke up a little late.  I was also still was having issues with my neck so I decided it was best to stay home and take it easy.

By easy it meant lots of neck stretching, a 1.6 mile run, push ups, sit ups and lots of jump rope practice.

In the end it was good I'm finally starting to feel less stiff!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Prowler Pushing...

So yesterday when I was talking to the guys before leaving I mentioned I was planning on taking today as a rest.  They mentioned today would be a fun day so I decided I'd give it a whirl (despite waking up rather sore from the fun one yesterday).  I'm glad I did.  It was great!!!


Strict Press

Prowler Push with body weight 100ft  x 5

I thought my 1RM was 85lbs, but I'm thinking I was confused.  I started at 65lbs and the plan was 65 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90, I tried to push 75 and that didn't happen, then 70 and again didn't happen, I got 67 for 1, then went back down to 65 for 2 and then 67 for 1 more.  For now I'll call 67 my 1RM.

For Prowler push we did a warmup 100ft with the empty sled (106lbs).  Then I paired up with Joyce who was pushing 156 for the 5 x 100ft.  Not exactly my body weight but a nice challenge!

Can't wait for Matt to go tonight since this is right up his ally!

Tonight's dinner is either Ginger Chicken Stir Fry if the grocery store happens to have red cabbage back in or else it will be Eggplant Panini's!  Either way I'll be happy!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Now that was fun...

After yesterday's WOD I knew I wanted to go again this morning.  It's not that it was easy, it's just that I knew I wouldn't be sore enough to not go.  Tomorrow I think could be a whole other story. 

Today was my first day with the other Coach Will.  It was just 4 of us including the Coach so that was nice.  During warmup Coach had me doing band assisted dips which was interesting.  I may have lost grip of the band a couple of times.... I think tomorrow I might try a banded pull up.

After we were all warmed up we moved onto the WOD.

4 rounds of:
400 meter run
50 squats

I finished in 17:52. 

I was dying near the end. The guys both finished before me but they all cheered me on which was great. 

What a great way to start the day.

I was thinking about skipping tomorrow but I think they talked me into going.  We'll see how my legs feel today!!!

Oh and for the official weigh in, I knew something was up yesterday... I am down 8lbs for the week last week. (I weighed myself after my workout and was down another 1.4lbs, just for laughs to see how bad it was).

Monday, August 6, 2012

Getting in the Groove

Today marked 1 week of really watching what I was eating and no drinking outside of Saturday night.  Supposedly I'm down 12.2lbs but I'm going to weigh in again tomorrow b/c I think this mornings weigh in was off.  And I personally prefer Tuesday weigh ins. 

We had some fantastic meals this past week, my favorite being the Eggplant Pesto Panini.  Since our farm share had Eggplants again this week that will definitely be repeated.   I also experimented with a mexican stuffed pepper that was pretty good.

Here's my plan of attack for this week, which will likely be edited slightly as the week progresses.

Monday - Leftover Stuffed Peppers
Tuesday - Stuffed Meatloaf
Wednesday - Ginger Chicken Stir Fry
Thursday - Turkey Jambalaya
Friday - The kids want spaghetti so I think I'm going to use the sauce and do a version of the turkey stuffed zucchini boats, but more of a casserole since that was hard to eat.  

I went to the 5am today and was a little less nervous. 

Cindy switched the warm up up a little but not too bad, then we worked on snatches. 

I'm half tempted to order a barbell so I can practice form at home.  I've already ordered a speed rope, and I may have been sending Matt tutorials for making your own garage pullup bar on Friday. 

Today's WOD

3 Round of:

8x Split Snatch Alternating Legs (since this was my first time Cindy had me do the strict snatch with just the 15lb bar to get used to the movement)
7x Muscle Ups (or pulls-up / dips / or 7 rounds of 3 pull ups / 3 push ups which was what I did)
Run 400 meters

I came in at 18:23

I was able to run all three of the runs without a walk break which was great for me.  Though I can't say I love the 400 meter route, it's at least better than the 800.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday WOD

I had a back and forth debate... jazzercise or crossfit, jazzercise or crossfit, jazzercise or crossfit... Crossfit won.

I keep wondering when I'll be able to walk in not nervous hopefully soon!

Today Billie was the coach.  It was hot and HUMID out.  Seriously breaking a sweat just walking from the car two steps.

We got in and did the usual warmup (again I felt great showing off my lack of pullups and pushups).  After that we teamed up to do the WOD.

Run 400 then
Alternate with a partner for AMRAP

Push Press - 45lbs
Kettlebell Swings

The 400's SUCKED.  And by the time we hit burpees my legs were just saying no.

I think we ended up around 360 reps total (with partner) in about 33 minutes.

This was hard, but hard is why I'm here.

Can't wait to go back for more.

Friday, August 3, 2012

First Day Off the On Ramp

We missed Thursday night so we could take Nate to Camp Family night, which included fishing, archery, basketball, hockey and a little soccer.  It was a blast and well worth missing the last class.

After we got home I considered hitting the 5am.  I was nervous just thinking about it.

What if I don't remember anything?
What if there are things I don't know how to do?
Are people going to think I'm an idiot for even trying this?

On and on and on...

In the end I emailed with Amy who had just gotten off the on Ramp recently and she told me she felt the same way after her On Ramp but everyone was great.  I figured if I woke up in time for the 5, I'd go to 5, if not I'd go to 6.

At about 20 till 5 I woke up and just went for it. 

Of course my first time leaving the house at 10 till 5am there's an accident and police and fire trucks everywhere at the end of my road.  I almost took this as a sign to run home, but since the road was open I figured I'd go.

Driving up there felt almost like my first class nerves wise and even walking in was nerve wracking. 

Cindy was the Coach for the 5am that morning.  When I came in everyone started introducing themsleves and made me feel welcome.  The warmup was a repeat of the one we'd been working through so that was nice. I started in on that.  Still slightly embarassed by my box jump pulls-ups and my knee pushups.  But one day they'll come. 

We started off with 5 rounds of 3 Deadlifts with increasing weight. 

I did: 65lbs / 75lbs / 95lbs / 95lbs / 95lbs

I probably could have gone up on the 95's but I was nervous. 

The WOD was

3 Round of
10 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders

I haven't jumped rope since I was about 10 and just practicing I was tangled.  Cindy said the normal alternate for DU's is 3 Single Unders, but since I was just start to do 50.  By the end I started getting more of a groove and ended up at about 75 per set.

I did 75lbs for my DL's and finished in 6:04. 

Given that time I was a little disappointed I didn't do more SU's but there's always tomorrow.

Matt also went tonight and did great, his DL's blew me out of the water.  He maxed at 275lbs!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Today was unofficially our last day on the On Ramp because Matt and I have the rescheduled Camp Family night tomorrow.  I'm kind of sad, but it was a great workout.

We started with the normal workout, went over kettle ball swings then did a little clean lifts with the med balls.  After that we did Helen.

3 rounds for time
Run 400meter
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups

I did 3/4 pood KB Swings and completed in 12:57.  I was so happy to get under 13.

Matt did fantastic too!

In other news our menu for the week changed slightly after a sick boy home with me yesterday.  I still had that eggplant to use so I did the Eggplant Panini with Pesto from SkinnyTaste... It was FANTASTIC!!!!

For a post CrossFit snack we also did the Skinny Pina Colada Popsicle... again YUMMY!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

On Ramp Day 4

Today was Day 4 and it went by super quick.  We started out with a warm up including pull ups, push ups, squats with the PVC bar, supermans and then another fun device that included your feet being held in and doing almost a forward sit up. 

After that we went on to review rowing, cleans and wall balls.

I struggled a lot with the cleans, but I think I get them now.  Though we'll see if it sticks.  Was also interesting to see how challenging wall balls really are when you get the squat going.

We ran out of time (likely because of my sucky cleans) and only did a 5 minute WOD, which turned into 8 minutes since we were all into it.


5 cleans
10 situps
15 wall balls

I did 3 full sets and a ton of practice cleans.

Tonight was good.  We're learning a ton and I hope it all sticks.  This weekend could be interesting if we make it Saturday.

A Weekend of Eating Like Crap!

I should probably say almost a year, but that's not quite true.  Over the past few months I've found a love for Cheese Puffs that out of control and excuses, excuses, excuses for why we can cheat... way to often.

With starting CrossFit I decided today is the day to start eating right again.  I ovbiously cannot handle eating right without my fancy excel sheet so it's back in play too.  Now that does not mean there will never be cheats, but there will at least be a good attempt to keep them to a minimum or at least not daily.  To get this rolling I'm also laying off alcohol for at least the first 12 days.  I say 12 because in all honesty I have a birthday party with a friend who I have not seen in years and I know there will be at least one or two glasses of wine involved.

To start out right I planned out our weekly menu this morning and my daily eats this morning before the day got too far gone.

Weekly Menu
Monday: Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats from
Tuesday: Eggplant Napoleon - Adapted from our favorite appetizer form Cafe Mangia since we got a beautiful looking Eggplant from our Farm Share
Wednesday: Turkey Taco Chili Soup from
Thursday: Subway Night - It's camp family night so we needed quick & easy
Friday: Crockpot Mexican Stuffed Peppers - I've found a few recipes I'm adapting from, but will have homemade enchilada sauce, turkey, rice, black beans and corn I think.

Daily Eats
Breakfast: Eggbeaters with Light English Muffin
Lunch: Lean Pocket & Carrot Sticks
Dinner: Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats
Snacks: Banana, Apple, Strawberries, Chocolate Rice Cake

We have Day 4 of the On Ramp tonight.  Can't Wait!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

On Ramp Day 3...with AM Jazzercise...

Tonight was supposed to be Camp Family Night at Nate's camp, but impending storms cancelled that.  The cancellation was of course not until after I Jazzercised at 6am. 

Since it was cancelled Matt's Mom watched the boys and we went for our On Ramp.

Tonight during warm-up we got to do the rowing machine for 500 meters.  That was pretty cool... especially the point where Matt pointed out from 2 rowers away that I needed to changed the display, the 27 was my speed, not my distance.  I was happy, because it was sure taking a long time to get to 500!!!  After that we did two rounds of 10 situps, 10 deadlifts with the medicine ball, 10 squats with the ball and something else I can't remember.

Once we were done with warm ups Laura showed us the Hang Clean, the the Thruster Press.  I ended up using 35lbs I think. Then we got to do pull-ups.  If I say I suck at push ups... I suck or fail at pulls up.  I ended up doing pulls ups with a 16inch box. They stick sucked.

Next up was our WOD


Thrusters / Pull Ups

21 - 15 - 9

I did it in 9:06.  Tomorrow's going to be fun.

If this storm doesn't have Matt going out to sit by power lines all night I'll be hopefully Jazzercising at 6am to work out some of the soreness.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 2... DONE

I LOVED Day 2!!!

I will fully admit with a cranky sore husband I was nervous that this wasn't going well, but Day 2 was great!!!  We had Coach Will who is the owner of CFPG.  His story follows the pathway I hope that Matt's follows. 

We started off with lots of stretching which was great!!! Then some 40meter skipping, backwards running, and other fun stuff.  After we were nice and warm we learned the Dead Lift. 

Will was such a great coach you really wanted to try it.  The three ladies started off with 55lbs to get the feel for the bar and the men started off with 95lbs.  Then we moved up to the 95lbs and the guys did 135lbs I think.  After we did that we learned the jerk press... I think.

After that was done we practiced box jumps.  This is where my fear of heights came out.  I was on the 12inch and everyone else was jumping 16in, 20in, 24in and a couple of the guys did 30in.  Gotta start somewhere... and Matt did awesome, making it all the way to 24in.  For the record I did get the 16in, it just made me nervous.

Next up was the WOD.

7 Box Jumps
7 Burpees

I did 7 full sets and then my last was just 3 burpees shy. 

In the end we felt great.  It was a great second day!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Ramp Day 1

So not only am I trying out CrossFit, but I talked my husband Matt into it too.  After a little pressure I talked him into at least trying the On Ramp. 

For those not in the know... the On Ramp is 6 hour long classes where you learn the concepts and moves behind Crossfit. 

Last night was our first On Ramp.  Matt was having the same nerves I was Saturday morning and I was nervous for him as well.  While I've had two years of almost daily exercise under my belt, he has not. 

We got there and Matt signed the waivers and we waited for the other On Rampers, which checking out an adorable baby watching his or her Dad finishing up and watching one of the Coaches do the end of her WOD and thinking if in a year I can be a fraction of that I'm sold!

For the On Ramp Matt, Cindy and Laura took us through a warm up then the WOD.  The warm up was an 800 meter (up hill) jog, followed by holding a pvc pipe and pushing it over your head and down 20 times, then 10 pushups, 20 sit ups and 10 supermans, then repeat.

For the record, I suck at pushups.  I still sucked at pushups last night.  Matt on the other hand can do 10 while I think about doing one. I guess we know one thing I'll be working on, a lot.

After the warm up was done we went on to our WOD.

WOD - On Ramp 7-23-12
Tabata Squats

The Tabata Squats were strict squats where we did as many as we could in 20 seconds then rested for 10 seconds then repeated for 8 reps.  The challenging part I had here (besides the fact it hurt) was that when we were learning the technique we were holding much longer in the squat position and it was until the last reps I realized I should be popping up quicker.  The good news is my form was good, the bad news is my reps could have been better.  I did 7 for the first 5 rounds, then 8, 9 & 10 in the last three. At least it's a starting point.

Next up we learned the press.  I had never done anything like that so I was nervous.  We started learning form with the PVC bars, then went over to the racks.  Next we did it with just the bar (45lbs mind you) and no weight.  That was heavy!! But fun.  Next up the Coach added 20lbs.  That was a bit much for me, but the guys (Matt and Mike) make it look like cake.  For the next rep I went down to 15lbs on, total of 60lbs and that was ok.  They guys upped their weights.  For my final round it felt good and I think I was starting to figure it out.

After we finished that we stretched. 

All in all a good experience for me.  Matt seemed to enjoy it by the end and we're ready for more tomorrow night.

This morning I hit up the cardio portion of Jazzercise to move a bit and it felt great!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


So there was no Jazzercise today and I decided to take advantage of the Free Trial class at CrossFit.  I've always been intrigued, but have had many people tell me it's nuts, it's not for me, etc.  Then last week a friend started doing it and is liking it so far.  I have a ton of coworkers who are doing it and love it and have seen great successes.  I figured why not.

I begged Matt to take the kids for haircuts and I went.  I was so nervous going there.  It reminded me of my first Jazzercise class.  I went in signed my life away via a fun waiver and waited for it to start.  Being that I'm perpetually early, I got to wait a little while and my nerves kept going.

I saw another Mom walk in (with her 3 kids, since kids are acceptable there), Sue I think was her name and we started chatting and I started feeling better.  9am rolled around and it was time for our warm up and my first WOD (Workout of the Day).

The warmup was good.  Basically running, shuffling, etc. back and forth over the 40 meter route.  Then some stretching and such. After that we all paired up for the WOD.  I was paired with Cindy the owner, which was a blessing and a curse. 

WOD - July 21st, 2012

Run 40meters
12 Kettleball Swings
Run 40meters
6 Burpees

Alternate with Partner for 20 minutes

I remember being 4 minutes into this and thinking "really we're only 4 minutes" in.  To say this was a really long 20 minutes is an understatement, but while tired it felt great.  In the end we each ended up doing 6 sets.  Going in there Saturday morning my two biggest fears for workouts were Burpees and Pullups.  I'm still not sure pullups are in my future and I know my form on Burpees needs a ton of work but I did them...36 to be exact.

That afternoon I was already a little sore and I knew Sunday would be lovely (and it was), but I LOVED it.  The CFPG group seemed like a family.  They all encourage each other to finish and don't judge.  I also loved going in and conquering something I thought I couldn't do.

CrossFit is definitely more challenging than Jazzercise and a complete and different kind of exercise, but it was a great change.  I also know that had I not done what I did in Jazzercise last year I probably would have turned around and walked out that door the second they started running across the parking lot.

In the end I think I've found something I like.